Blood and Milk


Grant enters the mess tent in the early evening to find his fellow officers in high spirits. Someone has returned from Lisbon with a dozen bottles of good champagne, and it is being swigged by the mug as if it was beer. The air is thick with tobacco smoke, and MacPherson is playing a jig on a fiddle.

He joins De Lancey and Fitzroy Somerset, and De Lancey passes him a bottle, slaps him on the back, and tells him to get it down his neck.

A short while later, Jonathan Strange arrives, dishevelled and travel-weary, his bag over one shoulder, and his basin on his back. He fills his plate from the communal pot, and carries it to the next table, and Grant pays him no further heed until a sharp exclamation, accompanied by the clatter of a spoon being dropped onto a tin plate, makes him glance towards its source. It is Strange. He is standing, with his hand clapped over his nose and mouth.

Title: Blood and Milk

Author: etave

Characters: Colquhoun Grant & Jonathan Strange

Summary: Fill for a prompt on the jsmn kinkmeme asking for a story in which Strange has a nosebleed in front of Major Grant.

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